Bar Stools Taking The Chair Industry By Storm


Chairs, we need them everywhere! Coming in all shapes and forms to offer comfort and style for anyone and everyone, companies are offering many different styles for consumers. Armchairs, office chairs, fixed seats for commercial company usage, kids chairs and even baby car seats and high chairs – however currently the most trendy and in demand style of chairs is bar stools. These chairs are usually without back and arm rests and are slightly raised up. 

Bar stools are becoming more in trend in both commercial and residential usage, fast food joints are offering them in stylish colours for islands as a casual seating place for when customers come in and are waiting for their order to be completed or even when dining in for a quick meal. These bar stools however don’t compromise on comfort and offer foot rests as for many average heighted people, their feet will be lifted off the ground, they also come in a range of seat options with extra padding or the traditional round hard seat cushion. As bar stools are becoming more in fashion, many providers are trying to make their look versatile and break the traditional boundaries, some companies are even offering low arm rests and back rests with their stools for added comfort and style.

As they are extremely comfortable casual options, some companies are now adding a vacuum elevation feature as we usually see with office chair, this allows for the customer to increase or decrease the height of the stool for easier access when sitting or to adjust their height according the counter in front of them. Alongside this, bar stools are now also available with swivel options to allow the customer to easily change their position, again for added comfort when sitting and swivelling under the counter or perhaps turning to get a better view of the premises without straining their back. Some companies choose to fix their stools for more safety to completely eliminate the risk of the bar stool falling out of place and injuring their customers, however this may not be a practical feature when the bar stools are for residential use.

In homes, bar stools are becoming increasingly popular additions alongside Kitchen Island counters. These island counters are not only versatile in the sense that they can be used for extra kitchen space but they can also double as an eating area, most commonly known as a breakfast bar. However for homes which have less space, a breakfast bar can completely eliminate the need for a dining space or room altogether, all this for the low cost option of adding in a breakfast bar stool.

These breakfast bar stools also offer a casual seating area in the kitchen for when people have friends and family visiting, or even just as a relaxed family seating space for the kids and for family members to sit together.

As the trend of bar stools is ever increasing across commercial and residential usage, it is no wonder that bar stools really are taking the chair industry by storm!


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